Spotless™ Sparkle SPC (Solar Panel Cleaner)

Spotless™ Sparkle SPC (Solar Panel Cleaner)

Spotless™ Sparkle SPC is a neutral, biodegradable, gentle giant solar panel cleaner, which is eco-friendly and economical. This green product was designed in concentrate and ready to use (RTU) format. It is packaged in 4L jugs, 18,93 L tight heads, 208 L drums, and 1040 L totes.

Unit Size/Capacity Availability Price Quantity
Jug 4 Litres 10 Items in stock. $35.00
UN Tight head 18,93 L Only 4 Items in stock. $55.00
Drum 208 L Only 2 Items in stock. $192.50
Tote 1040 L Only 1 Items in stock. $915.20